Sunday 11 December 2016

The Cherry Orchid-Week Two

The day after the Weekend,i knew it was going to be a hectic week...
we started working on our work for our script.My group got together an we simply line read, as none of us learnt anylines over the weekend we were all glued to our scripts.
Me and Pele started acting out our scene and on stage we decided to have a table (in which i was to place the candle) and a chair which pele was sitting on as i came in from back stage.
Our characters weairdly came natural to us which is unusual as me and Pele have never worked together before.We saw and instant connection between bth character which seemed like a sibling love?
Pele realised he had a large amount of speech so we decided to cut some lines frm it.
I thughas it is the first week we both played our characters well,even withough research.
Me and pele then discovered his character had a stutter,which he payed very well.
My charscter (Varya)n is a maid,i deacided to be stereotypical acting very polite and welcoming,obeying orders and cleaning the house(imaginary).
We discussed our objectives as a group and individuals.My objective was to listen to Pele as he talks about his past.
Rob wanted to the beginning of my groups performance,
the challenge for me wa knowing what to do whilst Pele says his long speech.i was confused as we only had this morning to rehurse but got on with it anyway.As an actor you have to put yourself in difficult situations to achieve your goal.
Me and Pele had a nervous tone in our vices as e didn't know the lines yet and our staging wasn't quite to scratch.
my first line "two oclock" was the opening line,i had to come in holding a candle ut i had no prop so imagined it in my hand,then placing it on the table.
Throughtout Peles speech i didn't know what to do,i wasn't quite farmiliar with my characer so instead of acting as a maid i created stillness,just listening to Pele,creatting an innermonologue in my head.
After we performed we got a surprising reaction of claps and smiles.Iwas confused as i thought the performance wasn't good with 45 miniutes practice...
This is the feed back me and pele got:
  • Good thought prosses(especially when Pele was saying his speech)
  • Naturalistic responces
  • light and radical
  • lovely stillness from me as Varya
  • Sustain objects throughout
  • reacreate the play,make it your own,read over the synopsis to help outline your objectives as characters
  • Remember actions exsist in stillnesss.
  • Create purposeful actions (how you achieve the need)
  • Through actions emotions flow
  • Play the moment,using the system of a given circumstance
All this was very good and clear contructive criticism,which me and Pele will put into our performance next time.

The next daywe started to look at some reviews of the cherry orchard.
We read through these as a class and found different points from the reviews that we could somehow put in ur pieces. After we ran over our pieces and line read. We line ran to ensure that we could understand the script portraying different emotions.
then we develop our characters based on what they were portrayed as and how they were seen by other characters in the play. After a bit of research and watching the scene my group is going to perform,i noticed my character(Varya) is very polite and gentle,she is swift in her movements and acts perfectly as a maid,she has very close relationships with some members of the familyand is loved dearly by Yepihodov. 
We were given cut out image of a stick man and told to write everything we learnt about our character on the paper:

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