Sunday 11 December 2016


We were taught an interesting lesson by Rob in which we were given a poem and we had to recite it to the class.
ive never performed oetry properly before and it was interesting to see how my class mates would deliver it.We were taught about the importance of the voice in our acting careers by Rob and it really helped us with our pronuonciation of verbs and words.
i learnt that as an actor you always have to ask yourself where am i and who am i (linking to the Uta Hagen technique).Poetry is normally involving a speaker or character addressing a specific audience,it is good to get ractice with speaking  individually to an audience,it buids up confidence and expression.
We looked at the poem of "Ozymandias" by percy Bysshe we read uit as a class to familiarise ourselves with the poem.Rob told us to focus on the voice and pronnounciation of the poem but mostly enjoy it!
Whenni performed i was quite nervous but i took into concideration of what Rob said.
the first line: "I met a traveller from an antique land" i hit the pronounsiation of "T" very well and spoke in a well mannored way.
i really took time in my performance and moved my voice with control.
I messed up a few words because i was unsure of how to pronounce them but Rob quickly helped me.
We were able to play aroud with the lines as we were not given a charcter to act whilst speasking,altjhough that would have been quite interesting.
i took into mind the gramma i.e the commas and where to pause in the poem.
If in was given that task next time i would have liked more time to go over the Poem.
It would have flowed more off my tonge although this excersise has really heped me with my diction and pronousiation of ords.

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