Sunday 11 December 2016

Cherry orchid -Week one

This we looked at Stanislavski's work.we listed techniques next to definitive. We did an observation exercise, we did a given circumstance exercise, a magic if exercise and the read through the script.

We did an exercise where were given acircumstance,we had to imagine what its ike to be a homeless person in the streets who is absolutely freezing. None of us had this experience,so it was very hard forus to imagine this so wewee told to  all used the emotional memory of freezing in the cold to bring up real life emotions.This was easyfor me as i get really cold easily and as it is winter i was cold in the morning from getting to school.I used that emotional memory in the excersise.
we then had to create a back story in our heads of why we became homeless and how.
Then we had to imagine that we were asking someone for money in our head to then get angry and portray this inner monologue verbally. This exercise was very interesting for meand helped us to get us in to character,i enjoyed the way i gotdeep into my emtions linking my emotional memory with a currently imaged circumstance.
As an actor when you cant relate to a situation its good to use emotional memory whilst playing your role,it sets the same scene and atmosphere very well.
We then did an observation exercise with a partner of our choice,i worked with Georgia and we were gven a picture in which in turns we looked at for thirty seconds and then turned it back over and had to remember  as much as we could in the picture to our partner and vice versa.
This excersise was very difficult for me as an actor as i have very bad memory.
Me and Georgia were given a picure of Jesus and his disciples,all i could remember was one of the desiples pointing at a table,an unsuccessful excersise.
Our next excersise involved looking at our partner for thirty seconds,then shuting our eyes and describing  everything about our partner to our partner. This really helped to notice small details about a person and understand other people.
Georgia mentined my highlights and my brown eyes.It was interesting to see the thought prosses as she was relaying the information she gathered about my looks back to me and made me think about how to successfully  show the audience a thought prosses.
We tried many different exercises and learnt many Stanislavski methods.
Ourv last exercise before we got our scriptswas where we matched up the definitive to the technique,i was in a group with Juan and Hayden,here is what we completed:
before the holidays we were introduced to the script for the first time, we read it over the holidays but reading it as a group and giving parts for the read through only really helped me understand  the play a lot more and made it come to life. My Character of Varya the maid will be interesting.
some people were not happy withthere roles but Rob brought us into realisation that we can make our characters our own and as this is not a greek theatre piece we will have a different manourism and approach to te play.

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