Sunday 11 December 2016

The Cherry orchid-Week four

This week, we got the opportunity to perform in front of the class as we are prepared i felt more confidence with our performance
here is the feed back we got individually:
  • Keep in the moment
  • Become inventive with thought prosses' and your inner monologue.
  • keep physicality
  • Question why i deliever the word "others" what is the purpose

I took this feedback and instantly worked on it.I thought about my objective for the word "Others" and why i say it when defending Yepihodov,these questions came into my head: " Do i feel guilty for not loving him back" "do i feel sorry for the way hes treated" "Do i feel as if I'm doing something wrong?" .All these questions brang a sense of paranoia into my mind and i began creating a thought prosses in my head,thinking f how i would perform acting truthfully,keeping the fourth wall.
To keep in the moment i had to stayin character throughout y whoe performance,so whilst Pele was delievering his lines i decided to sti stay in role,doing chores ect but listen to what hes saying at the same time,react to the surprising news that his father used to beat him.
To keep my physicality i tried too use the back stage as much as i can,invoving props and have a clear special awarnesss.
Rob then told us to act our script but use our own lines, This was to familiarise ourselves with the emotions our characters present to the audience.
As it was an interpretation,it was funny hearing some of the lies my group came up with.
i changed my morning lines of "two oclock,the birds'll start,then it wil be day" to "wakey,wakey,rise and shine,the birds are making so much noise,i cant wait for the family to arrive!!"
Thisn was a very funny excersise.
Myfavorite was ROse who played Dunyashka She had the line to me saying "Varya!,Coffee for ma'am" she changed it to "Varya!,get me a coffee now".It was odd hearing her say it as I'm used to her saying the scripted lines but it was interesting because i noticed more energy was pput into that than before.
My group were luckily able to practice in the other room,where we got more peace and quite.
Sara wanted to go over the scene betweek me and her in which she admres her room as she missed it so much.She wanted us,as a group to help her keep the fourth wall as she got mixed up with the greek theatte pieces where we broke it.
Me and ROse analysed her body language and delivery whilst performing,we notied she had no snece of imagination,i told her to imagine you were on holiday and you come back to your house,that feeling.This limks to the excersise we did before of emotional memory,putting in a circumstance in an imaginary one.
Ths worked very well an instantly Sara kept the fourth wall.
We were now nready for our performance.

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