Sunday 11 December 2016

The Cherry orchid Evaluation

On Friday 2nd December we performed our scenes from The Cherry Orchard. We were told we were not able to have a new audience as the level twos were busy in there production of peter pan.
We were also told that we were performing  in the drama studio rather than the theatre as the theatre has heating issues and were performing internally rather than externally so we had to ensure we adapted.
Overall i think my piece went well,we worked well as a group and maintained a good pace,no lines wererushed and we ll played well in the moment.
In the beginning i took everying into concideration and trie to maintain a clear inner monologue.
now I'm used to performing infront of the cass so nerves wasn't a problem and we all knew our lines well so that was fine,i think the only thing my group struggled on was focusing to put everything togeherr.
We recived a lot of constructive criticism as a group and tried to put together our piece involving everythigng.
The props usedhelped me get into character more,i.e my  apron that i used to hold onto,to how the audience my character and the cande i brang.
The part where yepihodv enters didn't give us the reactin we were expecting,probaly because the audience already seen our performance so nothing was new to them.
Altough we didn't expect to get laughs when i rejected his hug.
Everything went well apart from when i frgot to drop the apron and pick it up off the floor.
That was a key moment in showing my ocd in my characterisation as a maid.
We received some general feedback,Rob said that our pieces were delivered well but lacked some  energy he believes its t to do with the fact we weren't in the theatre so in the future we need to make sure we adapt to our surroundings more, however our focus as an audience and as actors was good and our engagement with the audience was good and with each other on stage.
sometimes our pieces were being delivered in a melodramatic way, but this also tied in with the energy being different as we were in a different space.
I kept my object to "Act as a maid at all times,staying proffecional",this really allowed my voice to vary in tone and allowed me to deliver my character to theaudience well.
I enjoyed certain moments a lot especially when me and Anya have the cute scene where we finally see each other again.
This made me think about The book i read "Acting techniques".It outlines the enjoyment i should have as an actor whilst playing my role.
my group worked really well together,there was only one incident in which chief gotmupset that we wearnt rehursing in the other room,but we got through it as a group, with the help of ROb.
We got on with the work and made sure we learnt the lines quickly so we could fcus on the staging a delivery of our performances.
i Applied the Uta Hagen question of "Who am i?" in my performance,making sure i understood my characterin deph and the responces i would give it that situations were in real life.

I enjoyed everyones performances and i though all the characterisation was spot on.
I especially enjoyed ALeks and Pheobes performance.ALkes' characterisation was spot on and she even tired her hair up as if she was a man.I remember her asking Pele about how he sits up from a chair,Hand on knees then rising yourself up and she done exactly that.
While Pheobe showed her innocence and purity as a character throuhh her small body movements and suttle body language.

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