Sunday 11 December 2016

The Cherry orchid -Week three

By his week my group knew most of /all of our lines and were off script
weknew our lines but there were times when we would end up forgetting them so we just kept running through the script until we were satisfied.
Me and Pele were quite confident with our scene already so we went straight into the ther scenes.
My fvorite scene when Chief entered as Yepihodov.
We made this scene very comical and made Yepihodov act a nervous wreck in fron t of  vVarya.
My objective in this scene was to act confused and frustrated with Yepihodovs presence and not pay him much attention.
We wanted flowers as a prop to create the comical scene of Yepihodov cting nervous and confused around Varya.
After Peles long speech we struggled on figuring out te staging for us all so decided to add an extra seat in which i could go on to when i have my line: "i ffeel as if I'm going to faint".
we didn't know what a "kvass" is and Rob explained to us that it was a drink.My objective became clear now as i had to get Pele (Lopahin) a drink
At the end of the scene Chief left nervously and we decided that i could reject his hug to show my uniterest.
Then we added an action which me and Pele done together in my line:"Until he  stats taking", we both shoock our heads in disappointment and our other group members-Jessica, Rose and Sara said this worked well in the performance.
The next key scene i was in was between me and Anya.After doing my esearch i noticed they has a sibling loving connection and they were both good friends.
Whennanyas mother leaves stage instantly we wanted to show the audience there strong bond as characters,so we decided to have them both hug each oter as soon as there alone.This shows there value and love as characters.
As we were doing Stanislavski we couldn't break the fourth wall, so while talking about the cherry orchard we acted as if there was an open fieldmof grass and we were staring out to the cherry orchard from the house this meant that the cherry orchard was the fourth wall.
Our piece flows very well now with less static movements.
Luckily all pupils in my group get along so we have no argument and just get on with the work.
We all show a clear understanding of the play and seem to enjoy it much better,especially when knowing about character realtionships.

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