Sunday 11 December 2016

Musical theatre,Dncers and music students review

I was very intrigued by all the other performances and you can tell a lot of effort was put into it all.
It was interesting to see the musical theatres performance of Medea,as they had a smaller group less lines were needed in the erformance.
my favorite part of that performance was the chorus part where they all spoke in unison,this drew my attention and really caught me as an audience member,however at times they were not clear with what they were saying,some wrds where said to fast and I didn't understand what they were saying.
The nhigh energy levels were consistent throughtout wich kept my attention drawn to the piece.
As indivuduals I think they dilived the piece very well.

The dancers were my favorite,what I really liked about there performance was the music they danced to,it wasn't a song it was more like a speech.It was in French so i couldn't understand what they were saying.
i noticed that the dancers were telling a story with there movement.
i watched my friend Dezire (a dancer in the performance) and analysed her movement,she started slowly,doing simle twisys and turns with a partner,then as the music/sound nwent on her movements became larger and more aggressive,turning into jumps and twists.
This was interesting for me to see and as having done ballet for five years when i was younger i understood the amount of work nd effort all the dancers had to put in to make the piece.
The only downfall in the performance was the length of othe pece,im not sure if they had to perform for that long but it became quite cear that the audience became uninterested,also a lot of moves were repeated.The dancers had an amazing sence of special awareness and used the whole stage.
I didn't see anyone mess u anything however i saw a few of the dsncers loose concentration and smile during there performance.

The music students were fantastic.
My favorite performance was Michael Jacksn.
All singers performed withnconfidence and were very clear,they performed with a lot of enthusiasm.
One boy performed Bruno mars and wasn't confident enough to finish,i think he done a fantastic job.
i noticed groups were positioned so all members of the audience could hear them,individually.
The singers were accompanied by a band,they all played everynote with no mistakes,verty talented.
they were all focused a prepared,the energy levels even got the audience joining in.

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