Thursday 29 September 2016

Waiting for Godot homework

Before starting the task I wanted to u destined the main contents of the film "waitingforGodot2001".
I began my research by looking online at "Beckett on",from here I was able to view information about the director, cast and synopsis ( A brief summary of the film ).
However I was not able to pick out the main themes of the film, though I got a bit of background knowledge on the play.
The task I was given was concentrated on the first scene of the play, so whilst I was watching the YouTube video I read the script along the way.
These are my notes on the staging, lighting and directing:
-In the beginning of the film the mood seems empty.
-lighting(Beginning) Main white stage light, upstage from actor, slow fade on  Estragon who is center stage.
The use of a white light is to highlight that Estragon is a main character, it also puts all the audiences attention on him.
-Whilst the light fades on Estragon he could already be taking off his shoe
This helps the audience understand what's going on as soon as the production starts.
(Estragon Carry's on action whilst the character Vladimir enters)
-lighting(On Vladimir who is positioned right center stage)Another main stage light(white) 
At current moment both stage lights are focusing on main characters. Stage is black only thing visible are two characters
-On the lines "nothing to be done"(said by Estragon)Vladimir turns head slowly to Estragon
This is to show himself as a mysterious character.
- Vladimir begins saying his lines,after first line,his head faces back to the audience,looking out into the distance.
-After line "And resumed the struggle"(said by Vladmir)All stage lights come on
This is to show the audience the setting of both characters.
-In the film(YouTube clip) Vladmir says the lines "so there you are again in a different tone to the lines said before,this shows a change of mood,and all the stage lights on could represent that.
-Once all stage lights are on,Vladmir walks towards Estragon whilst saying his next lines,Estragon responds.
-Vladmir stops centre stage next to Estragon once lines are said.
-Vladmir says:"Together again at last!"-Hands reaching out to Estragon as if he was going to hug him,next line said fast,Vladmirs face confused,showing he's thinking to the audience it's as if he's talking to himself.
-Estragon interrupting Vladmir with his next line
-As the directions in the script require Vladmir to be "hurt coldly",his hands come back in from the position
This is to show he is hurt & forlorn at that moment.
Current moment-no lighting change.
Estragon says next line with no enthusiasm,both characters at this moment are centre stage.
-Back and forth speach from both characters
Vladmir-Enthusiastic Estragon-Dull

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