Monday 19 September 2016

Greek theatre

I was given the task to research the history of Greek theatre and obtain information about it, these are my notes

What was the time period?(of Greek theatre)

The Greek theatre history began in 5th Century BC,in this era they hournered Gods with festivals,A God Dionysus was honored with a festival called "City Dionysia",During this festival in Athens the men used to perform songs,plays were also presented at the festival.Athens spread festivals like these to it allies to promote a common identity.

What else was happening at this time?

The Persians left Athens,which lead to Pericles Taking lead of Athens.
He had such a profound influence of Athenian society,he created an Athenian empire and lead his countrymen during the first years of Peloponnesian war.Pericles Created many buildings and statues,Introducing  art and design.He lead Athens into "The Golden age of Athens".
Greek theatre began from religious traditions honouring Dionysus,the great God of spring/vintage,this God was known to be the God of wine.

Was it important and how did it affect any Dramatists?

The Golden age of Athens created the era of artists,The main play writes Sophocles, Euripides & Aeschylus created comedy and tragedies still relevant in today's society.In the golden ageGreek authors revolutionized story telling expressing Athenian culture through plays.
Greek theatre was usually a reaction to real events for example "Trojan horse"
Trojan horse is first mentioned in Homers odyssey,a song describing the aftermath of a war a Troy that purportedly took place around 500 years earlier.
In the "Golden Era of Athens lifelike sculptures and statues were created which helped Greek authors when playwriting.Pericles introduced a new Athenian democracy leading to more freedom for the Athens.The new found freedom encompassed freedom of speech hence a new era of playwrights
The Greeks made theatre,they created an innovation that was not only theatre but entertainment that was closely linked to democracy and politics.

Who were the playwrights?
The main playwrites were Aeschylus,Sophocles 496-406 B.C.EEuripides 480-406 B.C.E

what were their main works?
Aeschylus- The Persians,Prometheus bound, seven against Thebes
Sophocles-Antigone, Oedipus the king, Philoctetes,Ajax
Euripides-Medea,The bachae,Hippolytus

what were the main themes of these plays:
Tragedy,Death,comedy were the three main themes in the plays.Plays in that era usually related to actuall events,sometimes the masks were created to look like greek leaders.

were they socially relevant?:
They were socially relevant as most of them were linked to real events happening in that era, they gave across different messages to the Athens and some of the actors were imitating the leaders of the greek society in that era.

After reading about Greek theatre it has helped me understand the depth and emotion involved in the plays and how important theatre was in that era,
It helped me realize that when starting my performance its not just about reading the lines,it's about my character and the message I'm trying to give to the audience and how actors in the 5th century would have acted it out and what message they wanted to show to the Athenian society.
In my opinion it was a way of giving different messages to the Athenian people  and it gave them an insite of what there leaders were like in that era,it gets the audience thinking,as it links to real life events and helps them understand whats going on in there society.

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