Tuesday 27 September 2016

Tuesday 27th September 2016

Our morning session was very early,having to get to school at 9.15 is a struggle for me as I live far,the key for me is an early nights sleep which I never usually get.
We started of in the morning with a context session in which we were in room 222,
Before we got taught about blogs and blog work,we got into a few warm up excersises and games.
Today we played a game in which a class member had to go out of the room and everyonce else had to pretend they were a celebrity/Famous public figure.My favourite one was Juan,we had to pretend he was Kim Kardashion.He got asked questions like: "Why is your bum so big","omg,why did you do this". It got the person thinking and it was on our on initiative if we were to involve ourself in the activity.This helps us as actors with confidence and learning to involve ourself in different things which in my eyes links to characterisation,becoming characters we are not familiar with.
learning and understanding how to layout our blogs.We got the opportunity to look at an ex Level 3 students blog.This helped me understand the high standards blogs have to be like.The main message Alex(the ex level 3 student) was giving us was that our blogs are basically a personal response,they show individuality in each student,noones blog can be the same as we all have different opinions about different things,I took this message on board and looked back at my previous blogs and added more from my personal view about the things that happened in certain days.
I made a note at the front of my note book about the things to put into my blog
After the lesson we went had a break,I was able to catch up on my energy levels by eating a healthy snack,I felt more enthusiastic and ready for practical,with a proactive attitude.
Our last lesson was with Rob,this was the acting techniques lesson.As a warm up fbefore practicing our scripts we mostly trained our voices,my favourite part of the warm up was where as a class,we had to create a voice machine,we created a weird sound and had to figure out were each person fitted in the machine.This excersise really helped me with my team working skills and as today we had new people,we were all able to involve them in the activity helping them feel more welcome and comfortable in the class.
After our warm ups we went over lines and perfected staging.The thing I found hard was staying in role,although I had done read Earth on the play,I found it hard to stay in role.We also perfected out staging,I took role in staging for the begginging as after watching odipus on YouTube I had an idea of the staging in our group.
Weirdly I found it quite nervous performing in front of everyone today this was probably because it was my first time performing in front of the class using language from that era,however I have learnt a Victorian script for an audition before.
I did feel confident in the staging for my group got good feedback from another group who looked at our group while rehursing,this was effective to me as an individual for my group,Dijarn and Emily accepted my input and together we worked upon it.
After performing we were given feedback from Rob,these are the keynotes I picked up:

(General Feedback)

-Don't rush lines
-stand still when speaking
-Always look up (facing audience)
-Keep and engaged physicality

(Individual Feedback)

-Eyes up when speaking
-take time whilst reading lines
-Great staging-(This was Due to the research)
-After hearing that Odiepus' fathers dead respond quick/own the stage
-line-"hear this man" change to "hear this woman"
-line-"mating with your mother"-say in a more comical context

From the useful feedback received it was clear that maybe I didn't have a great understanding in the words and what they meant,to improve I will act upon what Rob has said & take onboard his comments,also I will research the meaning behind some of the words.This feedback benefits me as an actress because I can quickly learn from my mistakes and act upon it before I perform,I have learnt to do more research before performing.Dijarns feedback showed that he had a strong dominant voice which worked well in our group,Emily got feedback that her comical approach to her characterisation worked well which helped me respond in a serious manor allowing the audience to clearly see her comical characarterisation.Their delivery to the performance was good and they maintained a stable characterusation ,I also Performed with stability in my characterisation.After receiving this feedback I have also read part of the introduction in the book "Actors Thesaurus".The introduction highlighted the act of "Actioning" This action provides stimulation for the actor/actress to directly play each line of text and develop alternative ways of bringing their character to life,this helped me think out side of the box,considering my surroundings and speach when playing my character Jokasta.

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