Tuesday 14 November 2017


Today we had anew introduction to the "Fog" concept.
Amongst the group we all discussed what direction we want the second part of the fog piece to be like
We came to a conclusion that  we wanted to have it directed and performed as an abstract piece and we didn't want it to be scripted,only the factual information.
We then decided to play a few games to get our heads in the right mind frame.
We started with a simple excersises which involved ourselves and a small ball, to play this game we had to stand in a equidistant circle and someone had to start by saying another persons name in the circle,the persons name who has been said would say another persons name we then continued this until everyone's name had been said and it would end with the first person. We went over the sequence of names a few times so we remembered the order.
The next part of the game was to walk towards someone in the circle but that person had to be different to the person who's name u said.We took this in turns and like before it ended on the first person.
The next part of the game was to say aloud the names in consecutive order and to walk towards your chosen person at the same time.
Our last and final step was to throw a ball at someone,following the same steps as before,ending on the first person.
this got very confusing but we realised the key to the game was to not laugh,or speak,but to concentrate on what we were doing.
As and actress concentration is important and this game helps me to get "in tune" to my fellow pupils.
We then went into an improvisation game where four pupils had to sit on a chair infront of everyone else and this pupils were given a dirty bottle of water.the scenario was that we were all thirsty but the water was really disgusting.
Me Toby Emily and Pele went up first.
Our reactions to the bottle we require similar we were all hesitant to "drink" it but we showed thirst through our actions I.e
I picked up the water,showing the audience my thirst,opened the lid,smelt it then put it back on the table.
All four of us then had different techniques of avoiding to drink it first,Tony explained to us that he will drink it second after someone else does.
We then all realised that the audience was frustrated that no one was drinking it,as to the audience they would want to know what it tasted like

Today we started of with a few improvisation games we started off with the dirty water bottle we were introduced to on the 18th and our task was in small groups to show the effects on pollution on
In my group we decided to devise a small piece in which two people came to a small experimental campaign.
The two people (Pheobe and pele) had to taste two different substances and in the end Pele realises they are contaminated and have a bad effect on your body.
The message behind this piece was that people may see things as normal,but the reality is that fog is very dangerous and it can effect society.
We tried to end it on a cliff hanger and in the style of Brecht "get the audience thinking about what they saw".

The next part of the lesson was very interesting.We were showed an advert and in groups we had to devise something to go along with the advert.
The advert was about a car and it had a strong narration describing the features of a car(https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hE5iNOZfRrg)
Brian gave us ideas that we could show the "car" as a human and we could actually show the description of the car as a human.
My group decided to create the car.
We started in a square shape one person facing another in a four,we had our heads down and on the first few lines we would raise our heads.we then got into a formation with two people at the back and two people at the front me and Emily would then act out the speech for example when the narrator said "intelligent wipers)we would create the wondeipers with our hands and twist our heads when the narrator in the advert said oil.
This was a very abstract performance and was well constructed.
The other group decided to actually device a piece showing a car crash this was well thought out and it showed the hazards of drink driving,like me,Pheobe,Juan and peles groups decides campaign piece it got the audience thinking about the message behind the performance.

Today we got into the historical side of fog
And we learnt about the great London fog in the 90's.i learnt that it affected Hunfrends and thousands of people and thousands lost there life's from the fog.
It's really interesting to learn about the historical background of the Fog itself and getting to and understanding of how dramatic it really was.
Brian then gave us a difficult task to do.
He showed us multiple pictures from a book and in groups of three we had to choose one of them a show every part of the picture,not missing out any detail.
My group chose a picture of a man on a carriage led by a horse in the fog stopped by a child with a light,
We didn't realise we had to show everything including the lamppost in the back ground
My group found this task challenging,we decided to get into character showing each person as they are in the picture
It was hard to get every detail.
The other group chose the picture of an arc and a man standing in the fog under the arc.They began with a freeze frame of the picture but then got into a story of there own.
Both groups began to tell a story and we realised it was put natural instinct to show and dramatise our pictures.
I feel as though we done this because we're used to acting and devising pieces Stanislavski style,instead of showing the audience something different and getting them thinking about the performance.

CPT Fog:

week 1
working in cpt created a ne environment for us,we got  feel of what it would be like in the theatre space
Today we had anew introduction to the "Fog" concept.
Umongst the group we all discussed what direction we want the second part of the fog piece to be like
We came to a conclusion that  we wanted to have it directed and performed as an abstract piece and we didn't want it to be scripted,only the factual information.
We then decided to play a few games to get our heads in the right mind frame.
We started with a simple excersises which involved ourselves and a small ball,to play this game we had to stand in a equidistant circle and someone had to start by saying another persons name in the circle,the persons name who has been said would say another persons name we then continued this until everyone's name had been said and it would end with the first person.We went over the sequence of names a few times so we remembered the order.
The next part of the game was to walk towards someone in the circle but that person had to be different to the person who's name u said.We took this in turns and like before it ended on the first person.
The next part of the game was to say aloud the names in consecutive order and to walk towards your chosen person at the same time.
Our last and final step was to throw a ball at someone,following the same steps as before,ending on the first person.
this got very confusing but we realised the key to the game was to not laugh,or speak,but to concentrate on what we were doing.
As and actress concentration is important and this game helps me to get "in tune" to my fellow pupils.
We then went into an improvisation game where four pupils had to sit on a chair infront of everyone else and this pupils were given a dirty bottle of water.the scenario was that we were all thirsty but the water was really disgusting.
Me Toby Emily and Pele went up first.
Our reactions to the bottle we require similar we were all hesitant to "drink" it but we showed thirst through our actions I.e
I picked up the water,showing the audience my thirst,opened the lid,smelt it then put it back on the table.
All four of us then had different techniques of avoiding to drink it first,Tony explained to us that he will drink it second after someone else does.
We then all realised that the audience was frustrated that no one was drinking it,as to the audience they would want to know what it tasted like

Today we started of with a few improvisation games we started off with the dirty water bottle we were introduced to on the 18th and our task was in small groups to show the effects on pollution on
In my group we decided to devise a small piece in which two people came to a small experimental campaign.
The two people (Pheobe and pele) had to taste two different substances and in the end Pele realises they are contaminated and have a bad effect on your body.
The message behind this piece was that people may see things as normal,but the reality is that fog is very dangerous and it can effect society.
We tried to end it on a cliff hanger and in the style of Brecht "get the audience thinking about what they saw".

The next part of the lesson was very interesting. We were showed an advert and in groups we had to devise something to go along with the advert.
The advert was about a car and it had a strong narration describing the features of a car(https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hE5iNOZfRrg) Brian gave us ideas that we could show the "car" as a human and we could actually show the description of the car as a human.
My group decided to create the car.
We started in a square shape one person facing another in a four, we had our heads down and on the first few lines we would raise our heads. We then got into a formation with two people at the back and two people at the front me and Emily would then act out the speech for example when the narrator said "intelligent wipers)we would create the windwiipers with our hands and twist our heads when the narrator in the advert said oil.
This was a very abstract performance and was well constructed.
The other group decided to actually device a piece showing a car crash this was well thought out and it showed the hazards of drink driving, like me, Phoebe, Juan and Peles groups decides campaign piece it got the audience thinking about the message behind the performance.

Today we got into the historical side of fog
And we learnt about the great London fog in the 90's.i learnt that it affected Hundreds and thousands of people and thousands lost there life's from the fog.
It's really interesting to learn about the historical background of the Fog itself and getting to and understanding of how dramatic it really was.
Brian then gave us a difficult task to do.
He showed us multiple pictures from a book and in groups of three we had to choose one of them a show every part of the picture, not missing out any detail.
My group chose a picture of a man on a carriage led by a horse in the fog stopped by a child with a light,
We didn't realise we had to show everything including the lamppost in the back ground
My group found this task challenging, we decided to get into character showing each person as they are in the picture
It was hard to get every detail.
The other group chose the picture of an arc and a man standing in the fog under the arc. They began with a freeze frame of the picture but then got into a story of there own.
Both groups began to tell a story and we realized it was put natural instinct to show and dramatise our pictures.
I feel as though we done this because we're used to acting and devising pieces Stanislavski style,instead of showing the audience something different and getting them thinking about the performance.

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