Friday 22 September 2017

Introduction to Brecht and Metamorphosis

Tuesday 19th
Today in tutorial lesson we had a discussion on Alienation ,Epic theatre and Bertolt Brecht.
Rob gave us a small scene script from
He then chose three people to act out the first scene.
Georgia began and she had to read the text of Vlasova to her son(who tiny was playing).
She began to read it then rob stopped her midway,He told the class to imagine that the actors were in an old Victorian kitchen with everything around them I.e stove,sink and he even gave her a prop to work with as a spoon to stir the soup.
He then told her to be emotionally connected whilst reading the text, to feel guilt whilst reading it aloud,this way the text was more believable and we felt emotionally connected to the actors performing.
He then told Rose to read the text but this time there were no proPs and she was just reading it I. The normal school environment,she was told to say normally but show passion in the way she reads it,to show enthusiasm whilst reading the text this was showing brechts idea of of
the audience believing in the action onstage,became emotionally involved leads to them loosing ability to think and to judge.
I learnt that Brecht's way of showing an audience a piece of text by making an audience think about what the actor is saying  is different to stanavlaskis idea acting is more then the physicality and vocal expression of an actor.
I noticed that when Georgia read aloud the text It showed more realistic and she had more emotional passion towards what she was saying where as rose' passion was more to delivering the speech an Alienating the actor by to distancing  the audience from emotional involvement.

We started the day of with a few warmup excersises focusing on our articulation of words,to do this we had a few tongue twisters and we were given different personas to say them in I.e "Peter piper picked a pepper" Rob told is to say this in the style of an over excited kids news presenter,to do this you have to over articulate the pronousiation of words and by doing this we worked our tongue and mouth muscles.
We then got into a few real life scenarios one was to act as a "begger"
Everyone had quite a smile pose.Rob then asked a supply teacher if we acted well as beggers and if it was quite a good impression she said yes and she agreed we all portrayed a good impression.We then all gave suggestions as what you could do to show your a begger.Thought prosseses,past experiences,many things were said to show the emotional attachment of being and portraying that character but Rob then explained to us that in the style of Brecht it's not nessary to have those things in mind as long as you show and portray to the audience that your a begger.
The next task was in groups to show a car accident scene but in the style of Brecht.
My group decided to narrate whilst acting the scenes.we started with text describing how we all went out and got drunk and we were now on our way home.
The narration was said normally with no over expression.
When the car crashes Leonie had to physically show herself getting out of the car and trying to open the other door Obiously to the audience
The aim of the task was to look at the narration and have an episodic piece that showed a message but didn't let the audience form an emotional attachment.
My group struggled with the task as were used to dramatising our pieces.

In the evening we worked more on Brechts style of theatre.
Our task in groups of four was to present a political hazard that is going on now in today's society.
My group decided to go with the "#Blacklifesmatter" campaign and we wanted to show the downfalls of the American police and how they effect the black society.
The begginging of our piece we introduced the black life's matter campaign.Qe decided to have me and Pelw act as wife and husband in a car and a police officer approach us.
We had narration through the piece and wanted to take away emotional attachment whilst narrating to follow brechts disbelieve of catharsis theatre.
When the officer came up to us(Mimi)she asked to see the drivers(Pele)documents
And when handed to her she said to the audience "I don't believe him" this gets the audience thinking about the situation and the police officers opinions towards Pele.
In the end we ended with saying the "#blacklifesmatter" but I done a count down before to show that it wasn't a scripted piece.

In our last lesson we worked on the Play
"Metamorphosis" as me and a few other people were in Fog we this was our first time being introduced to the play.
Sharon explained to us that it's an abstract piece which involves no props and some narration.
I had to read through the begging to understand the piece.
I was put in a group with ruby,Leonie and yasmine. We worked on a scene in which a character becomes a bettle,
We started with all of us backstage going on one bye one in a diomond formation.
Yasmine started making a ticking sound with her mouth whilst moving her head in three directions.i followed the rythm of the head turn whist crouching down with my arms on my shoulders.Ruby and Leonie were knees down on the floor banging to the rythm of the sound.
It got louder and louder and the tension built up,when it was at its peak I screamed stop,this was to show I was the character wishing the creature,confused as to what was going on.

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