Thursday 8 June 2017

unit 7

Skills and How  you have developed them

I have learnt many skills with my progression as an actress,The main skills have stemmed from learning about two famous practitioners Stanivslaski(He taught me about the Magic if technique,helping me imagine myself as the character I’m playing making my presentation more realistic to an audience).and Uta Hagen who taught me to question myself when acting in role ("Who am I? Where am I? What do I want) i used these questions when acting the role of James in my final production for this course,In a scene where i was narrating the main question i focused on was "What do i want" This question helped me focus on the characters needs so that i could present a realistic dynamic for my classmates tow irk with,If i didn’t have those questions in mind i would have struggled to present the character as well as i did.
Another skill i have learnt and have developed over the past six months is being in the moment.Many times in rehearsals students don’t give 100% and say there gonna wait till the performance day to do something but the reality is if they don’t do it in that moment of time its never gonna happen.
to elaborate on these skills i take in constructive feedback and see where i can improve by involving more skills.
One of the main skis i have developed is my characterisation.
In my Shakespeare performance i had to learn to act innocent ,swift and content,i had to completely change my body language and my pronunciation of words.I took part in many exercises    to perfect my role.
To help with characterisation i was introduced to many workshops such as Camden youth theatre
They taught us many physical theatre techniques,mainly  partner work.This taught me that characterisation involves physical body language and the way you present yourself in a role.
Confidence is also important to me.before this course i was never comfortable acting in front of people but now i have been introduced to so many new people and they all make me feel relaxed and i am confident working with them.

What is the essence of performance for you

To me the essence of performance is being able to forget all the stress about having to remember lines and having to remember transitions and guess ,my favourite part of acting is becoming and acting as another character,physically and mentally,saying what they would say even down to walking like them.
Stanivslaski taught realism and acting truthfully,to me thats the essence of performance.

Future pathways

Joining this course has helped me realise what step i want to take next,i do believe that drama school is the best option for me,i have already looked at many schools and one of my first choices is Silvia young,i have done many classes and performances for Silvia young and i do enjoy the environment and new people that go there.
I decided to goto a drama school instead of a university because i know know that there are more connections with agents and more opportunities,i currently am not 100% on what or where i want to go hopefully in the next couple of months will know.

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