Sunday 18 June 2017


On the 16th March 2017, we performed our production of 'The Two Gentlemen of Verona' by William Shakespeare.On the 16th of March

Before the performance my initial expectation was that there were going to be a lot of mistakes because this was the longest performance we have done as a group.
My experiences with shakespeare have been challenging as i find it hard to remember the language especially with speeches or monologues,so when I was given the role of Silvia i was quite nervous
Overall the rehearsal process in my opinion was quite slow especially when my group done run throughs as the pay is so long and certain scenes needed to be perfected.
The performance went well,better than i expected,considering that we only had one technical rehearsal i was very surprised that everyone got there cues correct.
In the begging of the performance i feel that it went very quickly i could say that it was a bit rushed
i believe thats because of nerves and a downfall that i picked up on in this performance is that everyone concentraed more on the delivery f the lines than the performance itself and if i as an actor could see it I’m sure the audience picked up on it as well,
The performance ran smooth and although i was nervous i very much enjoyed the play and performing as Silvia.
There were a few mistakes when people delivered there lines but that didn’t surprise me as the play is in shakespearian language and thats quite common with long performances.

Whilst performing the play i rWhilst performing this play I remember the. Feedback I got given by my tutor:
Speak louder
Show Silvia as an innocent character
The way I deliver my speech is usually down to my confidence so to over come this I used Stanislavskis taught technique of acting realistically,imagining myself as Silvia taking over her voice and physicality,once I do that the audience doesn't really become visible to me so I can concentrate on being Silvia.
I do believe my overall delivery of the speech and punctuation was excellent.
To show Silvias innocence the first time I walked on stage I wanted to stage I wanted to show my interest in Valentine
But then when he shows the same interest back I have wanted to shy away
To show I'm afraid of love
This worked really well and from the feedback I got from the other classmates after the performance it came across as I expected.

We had a minimalistic set and we didn't include many props the main props we had were costume changes.
When we performed everyone knew what costume changes they needed to get into and it ran smoothly
The main prop we had on stage was a chair
This was used as a balcony
In rehearsals in the theatre space the chair was usually in the wrong position
Stopping me from taking it off stage easily
But when performing it was put in the perfect position allowing me to take it off stage without any difficulties.

The overall performance was entertaining.
Our energy levels were high on both performances.
The scene I was mostly cautious about performing was my scene with Jiulia(Leonie).
It took me and Leonie a few weeks to actually understand how both characters were around each other and how we both were supposed to react on certain lines.
We had to do background research on the characters to understand how they were around each other.
I watched the actual play on film to grasp
The message we both had to show to the audience.
When we performed it flowed so well
It was clear that we both bounced off each other.

To improve the performances
I would say that we all needed to practice with the props more.
Most of our rehearsals were without props we would normally have to mime the props so we didn't have that much practice.This lead to a few mistakes in our performance
For example when Valentine tried to pick up the sward it flew to the other side of the stage.
This got a few giggles from the audience which was not intended.
Another improvement could be the pronunciation of words.
A few actors in this performance had bad punctuation at  moments on stage
This could seem like an actor is blocking ,As an audience member could see it as the actor had forgot there lines.
As an actor it is always good to correct and work on punctuation whether it's with tongue twisters or exercises ,it's really obviously as an audience member which actors have a good punctuation of words.
Individual feedback for myself would be for myself to concentrate of the punctuation of words and how i deliver them.There was a certain word that i couldn’t pronounce in rehearsals but when performing i remember the feedback i got from the mispronunciation- of that word and i managed to say it correctly.

My last scene with Valentine and protius was my favourite scene,in the performance there was a muddled up  of lines between me and protius but we managed to overcome that and delivered our lines chronologically.
In the next performance i would like to enjoy the moment as thats something i struggled with.

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