Wednesday 20 June 2018

Evaluation- A Government inspector

Working on this play set a whole new experience for me,not onl because it was my last performances in the college but because I feel like with this play I spent the most time on my characterisation and research.
In all four plays I feel as there was a comon dinominator in my performance which was nerves,however I overcame my nervous by being in the moment and enjoying being in the stages space.
My fellow actors enabled me to play my character whilst being myself in my role.
I am comfortable around acting I front of them and I am able to work my best.

My highlights:
Whilst researching my character I was unsure if Dob and Bobs (myself and emilys) voices were going to work well with our characters in the play.the audiences reaction seemed shocked at first as I believe the voices were unexpected however as a satire it worked very well with the performance.

The ending-with the ending I was always quite cautious about as in the end scene myself and Emily have a argument and the argument is quite overpowered by everyone's Lou's remarked to the characters. In Rehursals I was quite wary of this however when we actually came to perform this I was surprisingly pleased with the way it worked,it looked more realistic and it helped the ending flow a lot better than I thought

The costume- me and Emily were unsure at first with what we wanted to wear,at first we were thinking "mc hammer" pants with maybe and simple top and a waist coat ,but then we realised that wouldn't fit with our characters.
When we concluded our costumes we were both quite weary as we didn't know if the audience would  understand the wild costumes we picked out.
The audience had a good reaction towards it and all was well.

Although all actors performed at there best level there were a few mistakes made as we were acting in the moment.
One laughable moment was when Willian's shoe some came of in the middle of our scene.this was a very funny moment and I do believe that the audience thought it was part of the play and although it worked well with the performance it was hard to keep a straight face.
I am proud of how me Emily and will acted professionally and were able to maintain  professionalism whilst performing.

Punctuality and attendance- I am quite surprised at the amount of people that didn't come In at all to play there roles,it was the last play and for the actors who did come in,it was hard for us to play our role in certain scenes that they were in.
Not surprisingly those actors didn't learn there lines which slowed down the prosses of rehearsing the play.

Overall I am so delighted the outcome of our performance.
We worked through a hard and chaotic Rehursals prosses with many actors absent abs were able to play our roles perfectly individually.
After working in this play I understand how it is hard to work In a unstable environment but maintain proffesionalism.
I will take all the skills I have learnt in my higher education and take on broad all my feedback through out the years whilst learning quickly on how to improve them.

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