Sunday 16 October 2016

3rd october

On the 3rd of October we were taught the difference between showing a telling in acting,the difference between being truthful and being fake in the way u present yr characterisation as an actor.this links to last weeks lesson of reciving and responding,how u take in information from another character & think about it,without overexadurating for the audience.
This lesson highlighting the importance of "reading yr fellow actor",there body language and speech,this will help u responed to them in way tht it relevant to yr characterisation.
Improvisation can help actors in the way they approach a script,it helps actors be aware of other actors and allows them to have clarity in their communication between them and there fellow actor/audience,improvisation enhansises an actors state of mind,allows them to branch out with their creativity which forces them to act on the spot without thinking about lines,this will help an actor build confidence on stage.this links to last weak lesson of acting in response to your fellow actor,acting in response to them,thinking instead of overreacting a response

In this lesson our main focus was improvisation,using real life situations and acting them out,creating our own setting and environment.
Our first improvisation task involved us individualy packing a suitcase,my first thought was tht I had to actually imagine myself packing the suitcase in real life,I'm a very clumsy person and forgetful,so I acted in a fustrated manor,packing things in a rush,this helped me think about uta Hagen technique "An actor needs: talent, imagination, a grip on reality, desire to communicate, character and ethics, point of view, understanding of human behavior, total discipline.".the idea that an actor may have talent but an actor needs to be able to feed off of his/her fellow actor/actress understanding there behaviour and responding in a correct way.
In our first improvisation task we were told to speak aloud out inner thoughts,expressing our emotions through speech.As I acted in a fustrated manor I was grunting a lot and speaking to myself getting annoyed,forgetting things,this would probably happen in real life and as an actress it is important to relate to real life situations when put yrself in a make believe environment to truthfully show the audience yr character.
Our next improvisation was putting a needle in a thread,I started after everyone else as I wanted to observe wat everyone was doing,I noticed everyone looked the same,concentrating on getting the needle in the thread so Iike before I decided to actually put myself I. The situation.this improvisation lesson was very important because it's teaches us how to act alone rather than reacting then responding,it also helps me because In my Odiepus piece I have to react a lot in response to my fellow actor,taking In the the information he says and acting upon it,I did struggle on that because sometimes I am unsure of what todo with my body and how to present myself in front of an audience but I remenered that "Acting is behaving truthfully in imaginary circumstances.
Our last improvisational setting involved us pretending to be at a post office
In this lesson,one of our classmates came late and she was told by rob to complete one of the improvisation games she missed out on and perform it to the class.
She was told to pretend to hold a present in a busy line.
like most people she done the obvious,look at watch action, she acted in a frustrated manor,over exadurating her facial expression and body language.
Rob taught us that the audience pick up the smallest things,they can pick up tiny details so its not nessesary for us to over exadurate

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