Friday 24 March 2017

4.48 Physcosis

The Play I'm recreating is 4.48 Physcosis,I am very farmiliar with this play and for my audition to the college I used a monologue from this play.
"4.48 Psychosis" has no dramatis personae or stage directions. It is a lyrical text intended to be performed for the stage, and individual directors are tasked with determining how many performers are involved in,This way I thought it would be very easy to recreate the play,making it my own but keeping the main concept.
The main character is a female woman suffering from Physcosis,I am farmiliar with the behaviour of someone with physicosis and the unpredictable actions that could happen because of it.
I am certain that there is a personality disorder behind the character.
As the character has multiple personalities instead of one person being the main person I would put different people behind different personalities
In my play I have decided there will be
5characters portraying different emotions:
Saddness,excitement,confusion,guilt,and depression
Scene one
But you have friends
The helper tries to motivate and draw the patient out but receives no reply.
The scene is repeated within Scene Twenty Three.

To recreate this scene I have decided to used all characters that show different emotions pushing eachother to the hospital & speaking to eachother but the reaspince from eachother isn't clear
Much like in Physcosis Communication between clinicians and patients is at the heart of psychiatric practice and particularly challenging with psychotic patients. It may influence patient outcome indirectly or be therapeutic in its own right.

a consolidated conciousness
A difficult scene.  The patient reveals the torment in her mind.  The image of cockroaches is used, and will come back later.  A seething mass of cockroaches reflects the dark thoughts going on in the patient's head.  The thoughts are deep in the mind, like in a darkened banqueting hall
The broken hermaphrodite is someone confused about their own sexuality.
 I am going to keep the main basic of the scene,keeping the imagery and strong description of visions
But for this scene all characters Are deceiving there emotion in there own emotion for example with the emotion of excitement the characte would portray the emotions in an exciting way positive about the world
 A few scenes planned:

Scene Three
I am sad
The patient is depressed and in despair .  The patient has "lost interest in other people" but at the same time "cannot overcome my loneliness".
A brother and a male lover are mentioned by the patient.
Whereas the lover can sleep under the influence of drugs (induced unconciousness), the patient cannot sleep
 I used this scene for my audition into the college,I am very farmiliar with the things said & the "cry for help" that Sarah Jane outlines in this scene
She describes herself as sad,not able to sleep or eat,quoting that things are against her.
For this scene I put all characters saying the scene vocally line by line.
The lines will be split up in the way of which lines best suit the emotion
The person who portrays sadness will go first with the first line
"I am sad"
The next line
"I am confused and I feel like the world I hopeless"
Is going to be said by the character of confusion and so on.

Scene Four
As a test of how lucid a patient is, they may be give a test such as count down from 100 in steps of seven.  Here the patient cannot do it.  Later in Scene Twenty the patient is lucid enough to give the numbers correctly.
In some performances the numbers are not spoken but written.
This scene is a very key scene in the play
i do believe that Sarah is secretly sending a message to the audience,writing a suiside note
This scene outlines her strength and countdown the her death
As there are 5 characters in my play
I would have each character writing vigorously up to ten
The silence will captivate the audience and engage them into the play

Scene Five
It wasn't for long
Thus is a short scene but also very important,the lines it wasn't for long are very sinister in the sence that Sara has an alterioir motive the audience isn't sure about

Scene Six
Have you made any plans
The helper and patient talk together "Who are you blaming? / Myself".
 This scene shows how patients with Physcosis blame thereselfs and out there selves down,
It's am intimate scene between the patient and the doctor
So I would have 5 doctors for each patient
Each patients portray there guilt in there emotions

Scene Seven
Body and soul can never be married
This scene shows that she can't have a normal life
"Body and soul can never be married"
This partt of the letter shows how
Sara knew life want the same anymore
So it's the climax of the play
For this part one of the characters will b holding hands with another one at and alter and another character will b there priest
With the two others being wild as the audience,laughing clapping,overexadurating

Scene Eight
With my play I'm relation scenes to real life circumstances,this scene will be another call for help within the characters
So I've decided for all the characters to be stranded on an island asking for help.

Scene Nine
Sometimes I turn around
The patient talks of her desperate love for someone, and the despair because the other person does not love her back ("I cannot believe that I can feel this for you and you feel nothing").

Scene Fifteen
Hatch opens
Mum .
A call out to her mother.
This scene is very sad
It shows her call out for help to her mother
All characters will present a letter they wrote
Reading it out to an audience

Scene Sixteen
"I gassed the Jews"
This scene is very chilling
It's S if Sara wants the audience to go against her
This was a horrific moment in history and affected everyone
I want all characters to replay that horrific moment
Showing there selves as the people who do it.

Scene Seventeen
In this. Scene I want the audience to see the characters in hell
Lost in there ohysicis
All characters on the floor mumbling to there selves.
Paintings with physicosis tend to keep there thoughts to there selves it is common that people on the outside are unsure of what is going on /what they are thinking

Scene Eighteen
At 4.48 when sanity visits
 In this scene we see what the characters would b like if they live a normal life
-character 1-in work,business
-character 2-with family,Christmas
-character 3-normal life reading a book at home
Character 5-with there partner
 Scene Twenty
The characters have reached there peak of confusion a delusion

The play itself has no planned settting,theres only a few hospital scenes.
so the main setting i want for the play is in an isiolated space.
I do feel as the play is a hidden message,some people say this is a suiside note.

lighting and sound-
The only light i want in the play are white stage lights,i feel like simplicity iskey and colours would take away from the atomosphere of the play

props and costume-
The actors will all be in white in the end scene i want them to be in black.
The black shows the danger and the white show the innocence of the actors,this works well as towards then end of the play physcosis hits at 4.48

stage set-
There is to be no props on stage whilst the actors are acting all objects must be mined,i dont wnt the props to take away from the message behine the story.